
One Day Meditation Retreats

One day retreats consist of sitting and walking meditation from 9:00am to 4:00 pm with vegetarian lunch at 12. Includes kong-an teaching interviews with a zen teacher. There is an orientation at 8:15am for first-time retreatants. Prior meditation experience or attendance at our free newcomer orientation/meditation instruction class (offered twice a week on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings) is recommended but not required.

One Day Zen Retreat Schedule (PDF)

Check our event schedule to register for upcoming meditation retreats.  Subscribe to the PZC Google calendar to be alerted about future events.


Kido Chanting Retreats

Kido chanting retreats consist of morning chanting and afternoon sitting and walking meditation, with a break at noon for a vegetarian lunch in silence. We chant “Kwan Seum Bosal“, the Korean name for the bodhisattva of compassion, while sitting, standing and walking (similar to the special chanting that we do every evening at 6:30pm). Multi-day kidos follow the same schedule as a Yong Maeng Jong Jin 2 day retreats – overnight accommodations are included in retreat costs.

Prior meditation experience or attendance at our free newcomer orientation/meditation instruction class (offered twice a week on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings) is recommended but not required.  Attend a Special Chanting practice (offered daily at 6:30pm) to become familiar with the Kwan Seum Bosal chant.

Check our retreat schedule to register for upcoming meditation retreats.  Subscribe to the PZC Google calendar to be alerted about future events.



Yong Maeng Jong Jin (‘To leap like a tiger while sitting’) retreats are two, three or seven days long and are held in silence. Each day consists of Kwan Um Zen-style practice which includes bowing, chanting, sitting and walking meditation, with work and rest periods each day. YMJJs also include Dharma Talks and Kong-An interviews with a Kwan Um Zen teacher. Vegetarian meals are eaten in traditional temple style (Dharma Teachers please bring your own bowl set).

Prior retreat experience is not required to join YMJJ retreats. Orientation for first time retreatants takes place on retreat entry, with one day minimum participation for short YMJJ retreats, and 3 day minimum for 7 day YMJJ retreats.

Check our retreat schedule to register for upcoming meditation retreats.  Subscribe to the PZC Google calendar to be alerted about future events.


Christian-Buddhist Retreats

Christians and Buddhists can use very similar techniques of contemplative prayer and meditation to help make their spiritual teachings a living part of their daily existence. These retreats emphasize sitting and walking meditation, and include talks and discussion. Each retreat runs from 9:00am to 3:30pm and includes a vegetarian lunch.

Beginners are welcome. No prior experience is necessary for these retreats.

Check our event schedule to register for upcoming meditation retreats.  Subscribe to the PZC Google calendar to be alerted about future events.


Solo Retreats

At Providence Zen Center we have the Jung Wol Gak hermitage, a retreat cabin situated in a secluded area of the woods just behind the Zen Center. It is available for solitary retreats from one to one hundred days. It is open to any student of one of the Zen Masters or Ji Do Poep Sa Nims, who follow a schedule approved by that teacher. However recently we have opened it up to practitioners of different traditions too. The hermitage is intended for those who want a solitary retreat. Folks who sit a retreat in the hermitage are pretty self sufficient: they set the place up themselves (bringing down a futon and cushions from the main building), carry their own food and water from the main building, and clean the place when they are done. There is electric heating and cooking facilities, including a small refrigerator and a sink. Bathroom facilities are available in a quiet area of the nearby main building. There is a tea kettle as well as cooking and eating utensils in the hermitage, and you can borrow anything you need from the main building kitchen with permission from the kitchenmaster.  We provide shopping, but you’re on your own for the most part: that’s part of the style of solo retreat we offer here.For more information please contact the Director of Providence Zen Center.