
As you may know, Providence Zen Center does not charge a fee for daily practice and most ongoing programs. Membership supports our operating expenses and allows us to continue offering free programming.  Kwan Um School of Zen membership also supports the school and its efforts to bring Zen teaching to all.

Membership benefits include:

  • Discounts* on retreats, programs, and guest stays at Kwan Um Zen Centers

  • A subscription to Primary Point magazine, the School’s teaching journal published three times per year

  • Consideration for need-based travel grants and retreat scholarships to select long retreats (e.g.: Kyol Che)

  • Eligibility for complimentary membership in the online sangha, Kwan Um Zen Online

  • KUSZa members who select Providence Zen Center as their home sangha are eligible for one free overnight Guest Stay per month, including as part of short retreats

Become a Member

To become a member in the Americas, please visit the Kwan Um School of Zen | Americas Membership page, and choose Providence Zen Center as your home sangha.