Meet Our Teachers
Kwan Haeng Sunim went to Korea in 1997. He was ordained as a novice monk in April 1999, received bhiku precepts (full monks precepts) in 2003. After taking his precepts, he continued to live and practice in Korea until 2012. Since 2012, Kwan Haeng Sunim has lived and practiced at Providence Zen Center as Head Dharma Teacher. Kwan Haeng Sunim received Inka (authority to teach) in December 2020.
Zen Master Tan Gong (José Ramírez) is the co-guiding teacher of the Providence Zen Center, and the guiding teacher of the Delaware Valley Zen Center, which he helped found in the Spring of 1999. He began studying Zen with Zen Master Dae Kwang at the Providence Zen Center in 1994, receiving Inka (full authorization to teach) in 2009, and Dharma transmission from Zen Master Dae Kwang on April 1, 2023. As an industrial statistician, he works closely with engineers and scientists to help them make sense of data. He lives in Rhode Island with his wife and daughter.
Dennis Duermeier JDPSN began practice with the Kansas Zen Center in 1981. He was involved in buying and renovating the first residential Zen center in Kansas and later became its abbot. In 2000 he received inka from Zen Master Seung Sahn. In 2004, for personal reasons, he left the Kwan Um School of Zen, and eventually spent several years living in Australia. In 2018, he returned to the United States and to the School. In 2020, under the guidance of Zen Master Bon Hae, his authorization to teach was reaffirmed.